Habits for Healthy Skin

No doubt using exclusive and reliable branded products can help you to get a glowing and desirable skin. But the fact they leave a hole in your pocket after the purchase is another pain to come over with.

Here are some economical habits to work on for a healthy skin-

  1. Increase your water intake. You must have read and heard about it million times but its true no formula is better to cure and take care of your skin than H2O. Drink atleast 2 ltrs of water everyday to stay hydrated ,not just for your skin but for healthy lifestyle.
  2. Another important element for healthy skin is Vitamin C as it is a super antioxidant and support your immune system. Try and amplify Vitamin C rich fruits and veggies in your diet. Fruits like Kiwi, guava, oranges, sweet potato contain Vitamin C other than that broccoli is very beneficial for a glowing skin.
  3. Go natural and rather than going for chemical products start using fruits for facial. They contain some real good elements like glycolic acid, citric acid, alpha hyroxyl acid and other vitamins and mineral which have very less probability to have any side effects on your skin. Do research what is suitable for your skin type and use accordingly.
  4. Apart from healing green tea is also a great antibacterial agent. One should must have green tea atleast once a day. It can treat skin problems like acne, pimples and unclogging pores.
  5. One important facet to work on is Meditation. Try and take out atleast 20-30 minutes of your day for meditation not just for healthy skin but for a healthy mind. The stress level has increased amongst people and meditating is one great way to overcome it.
  6. Wash your face regularly. Not just in the morning but make it a habit of washing your face everytime you come back home and before going to bed. The regular cleansing impede germs from affecting your skin keeping it healthy and glowing.

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